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NSFW Discussion - Boobies! - View Post

trashleg said:
Necromunda said:
trashleg said:
Naraku_Diabolos said:
Snesboy said:
RockSmith372 said:
My friend and I were talking today about this: Does evolution make boobs bigger???

I don't think so. You just never see big boobs in the past because of all the clothes that women wore back then.

It's not evolution; it's the hormones used in cattle. Either it's from milk or meat, farmers use hormones to make the cows/other animals grow faster, and when we eat the animal, the hormones may still be inside the animal. This in turn makes females (grow faster, hence having their breasts mature at a faster rate) or males (growing up like weeds; there's also some stuff I have seen at the daycare I've work at, is that there a few children who have matured too fast and yet they are actually 'dimwitted and slow,' and the teachers have noticed it; I label it as, 'all the maturity and not the mentality') grow at an earlier age. Plus I've read before that birthcontrol can make girls 'develop' earlier.

i disagree. i haven't eaten any cow products since i was about 14 and these days my chest is a fine size, if u dont mind me sayin so myself. and my mentality is perfectly fine too. so there must be something else that causes it. how about natural variety, huh?

On a further note, what size are you exactly?

Specifically to back up your claims with evidence of course.....

30E but i've been told that US and UK sizes are different  so i dunno. not that it matters what a number and a letter say, its hardly something i can really hide. and after working in a lingerie store i can talk about such things without embarrassment lol.

Well color me impressed, haha, well she backed up her claim therefor I think she should win this thread, seriously.