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Pyro as Bill said:
Wii wont score as high. Sales, I'm still unsure. I'm leaning towards DS but I keep thinking about how well Mario Kart Wii has sold.

NSMB was the first 2D Mario in a long time. NSMB is one copy per player, NSMB Wii is one copy for upto 4 players. However, this is Super Mario Bros we're talking about and I think the multiplayer aspect will be what makes it huge. Holiday season '09, lots of parties, Wii get's switched on, NSMB get's played, everyone buys it. I think word of mouth will make this a big hit.

Mario Kart Wii is 10M ahead of MK DS from launch. I never thought MK Wii would have done so well, so I'm going to go with NSMB Wii. I like to think it could do MKWii numbers but I think it will be lower.

I predict 12M first year putting it ~2.5M higher than NSMB DS from launch.


When a game is good being multiplayer never hurts its sales.

For every person who would have bought it but decides not too because he can play multiplayer at a friend's house, there are ten players who would never have bought it but decide to because of the great experience playing it at a friends house.