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Hmm, intresting read, although i myself would have some changes to it.

1) Make it a PS3 exclusive

2) Every city in GTA so far plus another such as Chicago or something (Yes i want it to be fucking huge)

3) More weapons, more stuff to do, simple (At least 60 weapons)

4) At least, 2 times longer than GTA IV. GTA IV was what 90missions, i think SA was like 150?

5) Better graphics, improved physics, less bugs and better AI.

6) Better, more connected online. Try to make it more like an MMO but not an MMO, if you know what i mean.

7) Bring back all the fun stuff from SA and previous GTA's

Yes, i know many of you are going to complain about my first point, but just imagine GTA IV, a 8Gb game turned into a full blown possible 50Gb game, that would be immense and a fucking beast. Anyway share your thoughts, and feel free to argue..............