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Dark Odin said:


I tried, but peolple looked me with strange faces... I´ll try again with the mirror like matt said



and for the question that arcturus said. I can think about some things. like this (it´s just an idea)...

there´s a difficult rating to achieve the platinum in some sites like, in Joystiq ( it goes from * to ***** (I usually don´t agree with them, because they don´t count individual trophies, but the game as a "all" (sorry I didn´t find a better word), there are better sites who do this, it´s just an example).

So, here in VgChartz we would rate the players, by the games that thay have platinuns. Let me explain...

We would choose a fair site that rates the difficults for trophies (there are some, I just don´t remember now, but I can google) OR we would rate the difficult by ourselves (it would be much trouble, since already there are a lot of games by now...). With that done let´s say... for example (I randomly chose stars...)

 - User orcturus has platinuns in killzone 2 (****), GTA 4 (*****), sonic collection (*) and uncharted (**). Ok, 12 stars in 4 games. So he´d be a player *** (3 stars).

- farciomg has platinuns in uncharted (**), mirror´s edge (****), pure (**), FIFA 09 (***), bioshock (***), sonic collection (*), buzz (**) and burnout (**). Ok, 19 stars in 8 games = 2,37 = He would be a 2,5 stars player.

do you get it?

This would not interfere in the ranking so, not in the way that is now, it would be just a plus infomation about users.That way we could know more about ourselves and who to call whore ( hehehe). So the stars could be in front of the name in the ranking or in a new leaderboard with a top 20 or so... something like this (I randomly put stars in front of the names, just to use as example), and it´d look better with the older colors.

With that I think that we would even emphasize a person that doesn´t have so much trophies, he is like 20th but only have the difficul ones, it´s a away to show that whoring for one position isn´t everything hehe.


well, it´s an idea. tell what you think, specially you arcturus (since it´s you who have all the trouble)... if it´s a bad idea, sorry guys.

I like your idea, thanks for detailing it here! This is something I'll have to look more into.

There are a few issues though:
 - basing the difficulty for each platinum using joystiq's rating system would be a problem. First, they are missing ratings for some games (Aquanaut's Holiday, Demon's Souls, etc). And second, some of the ratings are questionable.
- the other issue, which HideoK mentioned, is the amount of work involved to implement this, and update it every week. I'll have to look into a way to automate this. It may take some time to get that process up and running.