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I think this is all semantics guys (I mentioned this before, and I think everyone except one ignored it).

Liberal doesn't literally mean liberal. Conservative doesn't literally mean conservative.

I don't think Role Playing Game has to literally be a game where you get to play a role. In fact, if we take the definition of that literally, then every game is a RPG (you take the role of somebody in every game).

Is character customization (physical attributes) necessary for a WRPG? No. Most early WRPG's only had a few premade choices, and the really old WRPGs (before I was alive) probably didn't even give you a choice to physically design your character.

Player choice is everywhere now. Splintercell: Double Agent had player choice. You controlled the outcome of the game. Most games have cop out "Press A or B" choices. InFamous had player choice, is that a RPG?

I think people haven't created a technical term and set of criteria for RPG and just link together similar games as they see fit under the names JRPG, WRPG, RPG, etc. We can debate about it, but it's all personal opinion. There's no objective criteria and fact, and meaning to the word RPG, it's all an issue of semantics and personal opinion, there's no right here.