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Nintendo Voice Chat podcast summary

June 17th, 2009 Posted in DS, News, Wii, Written by Valay | No Comments »

E3 recap

- Metroid: Other M, Galaxy 2, new Zelda mentioned, Red Steel 2, Grinder, Gladiator A.D., Silent Hill, Sin and Punishment 2, Endless Ocean 2, Scribblenauts were at E3
- Everyone loves Scribblenauts
- Don’t really expect game on the DS to be game of the show, Bozon was blown away that it was
- IGN not the only site giving Scribblenauts game of the show award
- Warner Bros. didn’t really feature the game prominently at E3

Metroid: Other M

- Optimistic with Sakamoto leading
- Not the same Team Ninja we knew
- Game that is all about exploration, seems to be heavy emphasis on combat/melee combat
- Matt has some reservations, but up with Metroid game with backstory + cinematic
- Bozon thinks only game that holds up against Other M in terms of presentation is Smash Bros.
- Someone mentioned that sequence with Samus running in trailer looks like it was ripped right out of Ninja Gaiden

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