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@ kber81

"Sorry, no offense but you REALLY know nothing about on-line porn. Especially when you are talking about "specialized stuff" Don't compare teasers to full priced stuff."

I'm sure you are very knowledable about different people's unique tastes in sex, but that doesn't detract one bit my statement about people having a hard time finding stuff they want. Of course, you have already got your BS, MS and PhD in Google searching and your time in the "Vocational Porn School of Filtering Real Free Porn from Teasers" probably helped a great deal, but that doesn't change my point.

Seriously... do you really think it's so easy to find anything related to any sexual proclivation online? You must be a guru... I did my Uni thesis on Sexual Deviations and I had a pretty hard (but enjoyable) time finding all the reference material I needed...

Online porn will not go away, and it's very convenient, but sometimes I find it much easier to get what my partner wants in a store because she likes some funky stuff; and I don't see these porn shops closing down anytime soon around my vicinity.

You know, comparing the US to a small city/state (and all their online/brick-and-mortar shopping habits) is like comparing apples and oranges hetero and homo - they are worlds apart.

"BTW your post was very funny... Great Vizir of Porn... hahaha"

Well, at least somebody is laughing about porn!