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As to whose fault this situation is, I think there's quite a bit of it to go around. First off its not on the makers of these games or on the games themselves as they are some of the best games on the system and much better than games that have many times their sales. Its partly on Nintendo for releasing a console that has used the blue ocean strategy to attract so many gamers to their system that really had no interest in gaming before with the Wii series games. And then, it is on many of these blue ocean gamers that only want things like Wii Sports, etc, and have put things like Wii Fit over 20 million in sales while a game like Mario Galaxy hasn't even broken 10 million.

And, lastly its on many gamers that claim to be core gamers on Wii yet spend so much time trying to build up the virtues of things like Wii Sports and Wii Fit. Apparently, the "core gamers" on Wii, if that's what they really are, aren't buying these games either.