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Avinash_Tyagi said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
TruckOSaurus said:
More and more, I'm getting the feeling that Malstrom is the BruceOnGames of Nintendo.

Except Malstrom is usually right



Select quotes from Malstrom:

"the 360 is practically destined for third place worldwide"

"20 million 360 userbase by 2011"

suggested 360 to get no 3rd party support unless MS bought out every game from every dev

All of the above preceded by the usual disclaimers "possibly "looks like" "if things continue as they are" to cover his ass, just in case.

The guy's an attack dog for Nintendo. The Wiikly archives are still up... reading his articles with the perspective of time kills all his credibility.

I know their up, I linked to them, duh, and even with his few mistakes, he's been right much more than wrong, he was right that this gen would be similar to the NES gen, as a disruptive era, he was right that Wii would make its competitors irrelevant and force them to change.  He was right that this gen would signify the end of the old market.


The guy has an article about "why is microsoft pulling out from the console business" and midway through it he starts with off-topic trashtalking and hatemongering. He literally oozes hate.

He's got other mistakes on his articles by the way. The only reason he correctly predicted some events wasn't because cold logic and research, it's just that he's been unapologetically backing up nintendo on everything and nintendo ended up winning the race this time. If sony had won instead, sonydefenceforce would look like genious, too.

How was sony going to win, explain to me how they possibly could have won?  They don't appeal to the nongamers, or the lapsed gamers or the casuals, they don't disrutp the market, in fact they follow the same path as before, and their price was obscenely high, there was no way they would win.


You don't get it. But hey you are posting Malstrom... I should have known.

Ok, let's put it in a simpler way: Malstrom is unapologetically backing Nintendo on everything, which includes saying "they'll win!". It turns out Nintendo won, so in retrospect it makes him look good. He didn't acurately predict anything, he was just doing his pr job for nintendo and boy it happened that Nintendo won. Sonydefenseforce does the same Malstrom does... if the ps3 would have won, sonydefenseforce would in retrospect look good too. Got it now?

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).