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Davey1983 said:

Forgive me, but what is the point of calling Nintendo?  Nintendo can't do anything about it-- it is illegal for them to tell Gamestop what to charge for WM+.  MSRP is just the reccommended price.  While I personally do not like Gamestop, I don't see what they are doing is wrong (I once saw a professor make a point about this very thing by selling a box of donuts for two tickets to Hawaii-- it is alright as long as the seller and buyer are both willing participants).  If you can get it cheaper some where else, then buy it somewhere else.  Gamestop will lower their prices if the product is not selling.   

Quoted for truth

In addition, some of you are complaining about how GS feeds on consumers who don't know any better.  Well to that I say maybe the consumer should be smart and do some research before buying.  Dumb customers are not GS's fault.  And seriously, which company is gonna choose a lower retail price if the higher price brings them in more profit?  I don't particularly like GS at all but what they're doing is not only legal, it makes good business sense for them.  Just as it makes good business sense for consumers to buy WM+ somewhere else.