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After 2 hours of GST, i was disappointed at Wii Motion Plus. Definitely not 1:1.

After 8 hours of GST, i was despising GST. Even Easy mode, this game is frustratingly difficult, and the game just did not want to recognize my shots. The AI is also weirdly inconsistent. Somehow the more your opponent is losing, the harder the game seems to recognize your motions.

Then i went online.

After 8 hours and 10 minutes of GST, i quit online. Everything was seamless and easy, except for the opponents. I had my butt severely kicked. One thing was immediately obvious. It was definitely possible to master the controls in GST. I went back to Grand Slam mode and cranked up the difficulty to hard.

After 9 and a half hours of GST, i had won about 7 points in total and i had a huge smile on my face. No more weird glitches impacting my shot precision. All of a sudden, many of my shots went where i expected, and when they didn't, it was sometimes my fault. Maybe though this is because my opponents were never behind. Difficult mode is HARD.

After about 15 hours of playing this game, i am only now starting to grasp the controls. But if i concentrate, i can win a game or two on difficult mode, and even a set every now and then. But it takes a lot of concentration and skill.

So is Wii motion plus 1:1 with GST? Hell no. But is Tennis on the Wii better for it. Absolutely.

But to fall in love with Wii Motion Plus. Well, i guess i will have to wait for Wii Sports Resort.

Member of the Pikmin Fan Club