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Citan said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
So this whole thread is one poor person's failed attempt to prove that one sub-genre is superior to another?

Good grief.

You must be a very afraid person. Try discuss for a change not accuse people of being poor.

What would you like to discuss?  Most discussions I prefer to take part in are filled with facts and well, there aren't many to be found here.

I've been playing RPGs for decades.  I started WRPGs with their tabletop roots (D&D, WW, etc) and older titles like Ultima and Wizardry, and I started JRPGs with games like Final Fantasy and Dragon Warrior.  I still enjoy these genres to this day and they're among my favorite of all video game genres.  It is a fact that I enjoy both.

However, even if I preferred one to the other, I couldn't use my opinion to objectively say one is better than the other.  This isn't like having a 10" TV from 1993 compared to a 50" LCD from 2008 where you can objectively say that one is better with almost no room to argue.  This is like putting Pepsi versus Coca Cola.  They are both similar offerings that both compete for your time and money.  Most people have their opinions.  Some like both, some prefer one, and some find both equally nasty.  None of those opinions is wrong nor is any of them more valid than the others.

Don't let that stop you though.  Continue championing your views.  Just know that no matter how many times or how loudly you state your opinions, they will always remain just that--your opinions and nothing more.