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JEDE3 said:
.jayderyu said:
I'm trying to understand here why if a game being developed on a Nintendo system goes bad it's Nintendos and the fans fault, but when a game on a PS360 system it's the developers fault. Hypocrisy of forum goers at work.

Though I will agree if the company can't afford the loss. Don't make it for that system.

Well, one reason why it's nintendos fault is for the direction they went with their console... Hypocrisy? Not really.

And it was the right direction. Who is raking in the cash? Who is making the profits and is at the head of the line with motion controls? It ain't ms or sony. One company is barely making profits on the console market atm, and the other is making lss after loss. But thank god we hardcores have em right? The fact of the matter in most cases it is the companies fault and not nintendo's.


As for userbase, it matters alot of the time, but not every time. Some niche titles will sell similar independant of userbase. But more userbase is always a good thing.

Now Playing: The Witcher (PC)

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