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Well, shape is more important than size and to me the butt is more important, but anyways, booth only matter to start the first time approach I think, but if you are interested is someone you know, he might not care about your size breast already. If you have a great personality, and he likes that, none of the other things will matter to him. But if you want someone to buy you a drink in a bar looks are all that matter. I like big butts and I have fallen for flat ass girls a few times, just because they where gentle and they had the personality I like. I like to note that luckily I married a woman with a perfect butt but that was not what make me approach her the first time, it was the things she talked about and the way she moved, also she has small breast, but I think she is perfect she could have neurofibromatosis (elephant man disease) for all I care I would still love her.
By the way, will this start a penis size matters thread letter? Because that would be too weird, you know to see this topics in a gaming site …. :).

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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