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JRPG: Annoying story that you can't meaningfully modify. No matter how hard you try, Aeris always dies and the end fight always goes down the same way.
WRPG: Annoying story you can modify, kind of. Best was in the original Fallout, where you could convince the main villain to commit suicide, beat him in combat, or set the nuclear reactor to override and escape.

JRPG: You're never anybody in the story. Even when there's a 'main character' like cloud who you're supposed to be associated with, there's no real 'you' in the action. Despite the fact that the characters are all designed by character designers, they end up being annoying, replaceable transvestites. (Imagine you replaced Cloud, a magically-endowed supersoldier with a unique weapon, severe amnesia, ridiculous hair, and a weather-related name with Squall, a magically-endowed supersoldier with a unique weapon, severe amnesia, slightly less ridiculous hair, and a weather-related name. Or even with Tidus, a completely normal guy who is able to fight off the gods themselves with a unique weapon, severe amnesia (Not remembering you don't exist counts), ridiculous pants, and a ocean-related name. Would the game be any different at all?)

WRPG: You're pretty much always just one jerk. Because you can infinitely modify your dude, everything's super generic. You're just a guy, or a girl, wearing generic cloths with generic skills and generic everything. All the NPCs refer to you by a title because they don't want to use your real name.

Basically, my point is, computer RPGs suck. Tabletop or death.

Wii has more 20 million sellers than PS3 has 5 million sellers.

Acolyte of Disruption