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konnichiwa said:
stclam said:
Kasz216 said:
MikeB said:
@ sharky

Probably much less PS3 are sold in Taiwan as they do not like Japanese product much like China hate Japan .

The PS3 is being made in Taiwan. China loves the US?

Apart from Hong Kong, I don't think the PS3 has yet launched in China.

"According to an article in The Wall Street Journal today, Sony is doubling its marketing budget in mainland China to “help boost its sales there by at least 50% and keep it on track to reach the $10 billion mark in fiscal year 2008-09.”"

Compared to how they feel about the Japanese... yeah China loves the US.

Look into WW2 and Nanking.  Those wounds are far from healed.

Doubt it'll have anything to do with sales though considering piracy is practically a culture over there.


It' not purely about WW2, the cause of hate against japanese, american and taiwanese (in recent years, korean too) is way more complicated

Chinese people are castrated for thousands years (as i'm a chinese myself, so no racism here), 1.3 billion people are in mass hysteria now, they feels it's time to take control of the world and punish their nemesis

it's not history problem anymore, it's psycho problem



 You are talking about a small part of the people.

I even would compare them with the USA citizens who are always saying 'USA is the best'.

So far I lived in China (Guangzhou)  I don't saw so much hate against the Japanese,  even my neigbours were Japanese.

Aren't you blowing up the problem to high?

that's just my observation, could be right, could be wrong

and let's talk about video games instead