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Citan said:


Jrpg`s are more storydriven, have deeper meanings and character-development.

If by "storydriven", you mean "linear" then this is true.

Art and graphics:

Jrpg`s have multiple genres. (Just like WRPGs) They are not afraid to combine humour with violence and sex and adult subjects

making the game more complex. (Just like WRPGs)

(Takashi Murakami`s concept of "Superflat")

Watching a CVG scene from i.e Final Fantasy compared to wow is huge difference.(Because the men look more like men than women) Characters looks more alive and have personality. (Someone has never seen WoW cinematics)


This is a matter of taste in my opinion. No winner here. (Considering the bias of this post, you've essentially handed this, the most important category, over to WRPGs)


If it weren`t for the Final Fantasy series and Xenosaga it might be a

draw here, but Nobuo Uematsu changed the way we listen to music in video-games.


WoW, need I say more. A game that takes the prize for wrpg`s because it

capture so many players to play a game that isn`t a very good game. (Wow, a back-handed compliment to WoW, how surprising)

It`s all about the community. (And the gameplay, maybe? The vast content? The impressive soundtrack? The Epic world-changing storyline?)

Lasting appeal:

For how long would you actually spend time on a game? It depends on how much you like it

of course. But do you want to be addicted to games which seems to have no ending?(I like how the category is lasting appeal, but your question attempts to put a vastly superior amount of content/flexibility/replayability in a bad light. How about we flip the question? Do you want to play a game that becomes obsolete the moment you've finished it the first time?)

Or do you want a final goal which you can reach within 50-70 hours?

My favourite Jrpg`s:

Final Fantasy VI, Xenosaga, Xenogears, Suikoden 2, Chrono Trigger.

My favourite wrpg`s:

Oblivion IV. (You've apparently never played Mass Effect. This entire post is basically cancelled by it, single-handedly.)



Why do people get offended in a odd sort of way when I state that Jrpg`s have more soul and is more artistic than wrpg`s?. (I have no idea why people would get offended by your preference for retarded JRPGs with their severely outdated gameplay. Oh, I hope that didn't offend.)