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slowmo said:
JRPG's are standing still with no innovation and the storylines are the same rehashed crap we've seen for the last 15 years recycled, it is no conincidence we have not had a AAA JRPG yet this generation. WRPG's for me show variety and they're all a bit different, look at the choices you're given in games like Fallout 3, Mass Effect, Fable 2, etc.

Apologies for slating your favourite genre to the JRPG fans, surely you guys must see that something needs to change in the genre if it is to survive in the long term?

Correction, we haven't had an AAA jrpg on consoles because the japanese like many western developers are caught up with graphics.

Where the DS s really innovating in RPGs.

Its has great S-jrpgs, normal jrpgs, unique jrpgs like pokemon and twewy etc.

 Twilightman on Gametrailers