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selnor said:
Now before I write I'll tell you I still like JRPG's, but WRPG's over the last 4-5 years have killed them.

WRPG's have become so good a storytelling compared to the weak stories and storytelling of JRPG's. Mass Effect for instance is so far ahead of any JRPG in story telling it's almost painful.
I guess some people like and will always like rehashed 17 year old kid saving the world from powerful sorcerer in JRPG's. But now I'm older (26) I cant be arsed with it. Maybe thats why I'm not to thrilled for FF13, it's just another teenage kill the sorcerer fest.

The only game that deviates from normal JRPG's is Lost Odyssey, Perhaps why it's one of the best I ever played. Their is a teenage kid as a hero and the hero is believable. Also the actual storytelling is not cheesy and is actualy on a far better level than any other JRPG. It's more western in it's storytelling I suppose.

But at the moment

WRPG>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>JRPG. Mass Effects fault mainly.

Xenosaga mixes a story out of:

Robots, Science Fiction, 12-year old girls in swimsuits, Drama, action, comedy, sex, philosophy, love, hate, friendship and intertekstual references to Friedrich Nietzsche`s subjects, Carl Gustav Jung`s Analytical psychology, The Bibel, Jewish religion, German history and novels, Anime.

Did you mention anything about story-telling?