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Akvod said:
NightstrikerX said:
Citan said:
StanGable said:

Art and graphics:

Jrpg`s have multiple genres. They are not afraid to combine humour with violence and sex and adult subjects

making the game more complex.

(Takashi Murakami`s concept of "Superflat")

Watching a CVG scene from i.e Final Fantasy compared to wow is huge difference. Characters looks more

alive and have personality.

You've gotta be kidding me right? It was WRPGs that developed the whole "build your own story" concept. In WRPGs you can choose to be a good person, and evil a person, a balanced person. If anything WRPGs have much more variety in their storyline because you will never get the same responses. And just fyi, WRPGs also include a lot of comedy, drama, suspense, and much more.

No I`m not. Describe that variety please.

Let's take Knights of the Old Republic. I've sure we've all played that. Hopefully, if you haven't. Take what I'm saying with a grain of salt. Or skip it entirely.


There is a scene in the late game where your choices come full circle at you. Let's say you are evil, you became a sith. Upon learning the truth of your past as dictated in the storyline. You decide to continue down the evil road you've been taking. Your companions do not like this one bit. The idea of you becoming this evil dark overlord causes them to run away, they are scared. They will try to stop you from becoming this dark overlord. However you later encounter another character who you would fight if you were good. But because you are evil. The character joins you.

The same situation as good. Upon learning the truth of your past, you decide to change your ways and become good. Your companions are glad you decided to choose the path of good and help you along your way. You encounter a character and because the character has chosen to be evil. You have no choice but to fight and defeat the character.


That's only a small example. But in a JRPG the scene will remain the same constantly. In big storylines, the same events will occur exactly the same no matter how you look at it. It's kinda like comparing a choose your own adventure book, from a regular book.

But I do like how JRPGs have one set storyline, because that means the developers can focus all their attention on it, make it good, and you'll be guaruanteed to see that outcome.


Not an RPG, but take GTA IV. There were two possible endings. One of them was bad, and one of them was emotionally charged and better cinematicly. I'll rather not be given the choice and fuck myself over than be given the choice of a bad and good ending.

I'm of the same mind here.

Does anyone actually remember reading those choose-your-own-adventure books when you were younger? They were completely forgettable.