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Not only is a 33/33/33 split not possible, it would suck. I mean, no one wants HD-DVD and Blu-Ray to split the pie, to they? So that everyone has to invest in multiple formats? The format-owners have to keep burning cash to get an edge, the movie studios have to produce movies for multiple formats, consumers have to buy two machines. Everyone loses.

Now it isn't a perfect analogy, obviously... Non-"winning" consoles can still be profitable and sell tens of millions of units... But a dominant platform is an inevitability... And its beneficial to a large extent... I mean, no one would like it if there were 10 consoles evenly spliting the market... And the very fact that a dominant platform always emerges should clue us to the fact that most people prefer 1 console to 3, as well...

"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.