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Its GST for me - VT just doesn't give me the control i want..
Just one problem though - the recalibrating in GST is a bit annoying

OK - here goes....

You do need to calibrate your WM+

Hold it steady for 2 seconds about waist high...
Whenever you hold the racquet (wiimote) steady for 2 seconds it recalibrates - so....

Pick a position in front of your TV/Plasma/Display device (central is good)

NB. This part assumes that you have calibrated your wiimote correctly in the first place through the settings menu...

You make movements from here and to the left and to the right (try not to move too much in either direction)

In between points you must hold the racquet (wiimote) in the ready position in front of you as you had at the start...
This will mean that you dont let the WM+ recalibrate in the wrong position and...

Thats it!

Check out this YT vid (by someone on the forums - bigfunballs to be exact...)