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MikeB said:
@ Bitmap Frogs

Actually in general I agree with Criterion's statement regarding consoles (and actually all modern computer systems). However an Atari 2600 game will never reach the potential of a top c64 game, likewise a c64 game will never reach the technical ability of a top Amiga game and so forth.

But there is no such thing as the perfect game or game engine and with ever more sophisticated console hardware there will always be potential to up the ante just a bit more, also on the 360. I think "maxing out" rather relates to tapping all available resources at a given time for efficient developers. However there are always work arounds to be found.

What Criterion stated there is in line with my own past comments.


We all know how this works Mike, once something that doesn't go along with your propaganda efforts shows up you turn on "smile mode", wait a few days and then go back with the same lines and sentences. The threads where NJ5 chews you a new one are a living proof of that.

So you can skip the PR make-believe and continue with your sordid business as usual. 

Man, this is a sad, sad day. I remember at some point in time on this site people like you weren't allowed to engage in massive axe-grinding campaigns. But hey, the site needs hits and all hits are equal.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).