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Chrizum said:
Hapimeses said:
Chrizum said:
Son1x said:
Tiger Woods doesn't have 10 reviews yet.

Sorry, didn't catch that rule.

While I understand the rule, it basically means most WiiWare games don't have a chance ending up on this list, because most sites refuse to review WiiWare games.

The rule is there for several reasons. Further, at the end of the year, all titles with a Metascore will be added regardless of the number of reviews they have, which means any title with 4+ reviews will be added to the list. However, to save on endless additions that only get removed later (as most games score high initially, then fall off the chart once 8-10 reviews hit), and to save on me having to add multiple graphics to my website for no reason, things shall remain as they are unless I see a good reason to change.

Further, I'm not aware of a single WiiWare title this year that is being kept off the list by too few reviews, so I'm not sure if your point really matters in practice. There are currently only 4 games with a Metascore of 85+ without 10 reviews, and they are listed in my last update post (including, as already noted, Tiger Woods).

Lastly, regarding the 2008 Wii games you listed, I'll check those later and make any updates that are required. When I do, I'll make a post here about it.

How does all that sound?

That sounds great! I agree with the 10 reviews rule, and I'm glad you'll add any games with 4+ reviews anyway after a year has passed by.

Good stuff! And adding them at the end of the year looks necessary to me, or Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box will never get up there, which is wrong, as it's already up there for PC and PS3. It's not the game's fault, it's the tardy reviewers.