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Knowing EA I bet I know why they are releasing this game. Since EA always makes "casual crap" games on the Wii for a quick buck, I bet we are just slaves to them, they make people buy their game so they can get some money, and then develop a sequel to the main Dead Space series. EA has done this on countless occasions, I don't see why people aren't realizing this. Didn't you realize they did just that with The Godfather 2? In an interview EA said they got a lot of their inspiration from the Wii version of the first Godfather game, Blackhand Edition. Notice that Godfather 2, didn't even come out for the Wii, even though Blackhand Edition was said to be the best Godfather 1 game. Then when asked if the game would come to Wii, they said the Wii wouldn't be able to handle it. EA sucks, and they pretend to like the Wii, but we are just their naive consumers. The last EA game I bought was Medal of Honor Heroes 2, and I  say that wasn't a great decision, it's more of a rent game.

Currently enjoying: Monster Hunter Tri.