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DBL post 

Well, as I said, the MS motion controls made sense for their next system. That said, if MS doesn't fully change out their hardware, they'll be the new recipients of "2 360s duct taped together", "LOL 360 1.5" and all that ridicule that the Wii got. I'm sure MS wants to avoid that negative publicity. 2010/2011 seems about right though, as it will be 5-6 years down the road, so it makes sense to start moving on. Personally, I don't see/feel a need for it. The 360 is doing fine. Ah, corporate greed at its finest - they insist on being #1, even if it pisses off their userbase.

On a side note, a 360 1.5 could be dubbed the 540, 1 and a half circles