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johnlucas said:

This must be my cue.

Now WHERE have I heard that number before? Hmmmmmm...

20 million by year's end worldwide....Hmmmmmmm....

Twenty million before 2008 begins.....Hmmmmmmm....

1/50 of a billion before The Year of the Rat.....Hmmmmmm.....

And to think, they all laughed at me. Hahahahahahahaha!

John Lucas

Well, yours might be closer than mine in the end, at least as far as Wii goes. It sucks too, I originally thought 19m but a month later (in June) I lowered all of my totals. 360 and PS3 are still right on, but Nintendo will get more Wii's into the channel than I had predicted. Watch it be right in the middle or our predictions.