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NSFW Discussion - Boobies! - View Post

trashleg said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Naraku_Diabolos said:
Gilgamesh said:
trashleg said:
Snesboy said:
trashleg said:
since im a girl and i have "boobies", am i allowed to talk about my own?

Feel free Pics are even better! Lmao!

HAHAHA noooo...

ok well mine are good. i think so, anyway.

that is all.

I was expecting a more detailed description then that :( lol

Don't bother her about it. That's inappropriate to ask a girl that. That's border-line harassment...I suggest you know your bounds when speaking to a girl.

But seriously, boobs (breasts) are just lumps of flesh. Nothing to get excited over...

Humor on my internet? NAH-UH! Thank god we have gentlemen like Naraku here to kiss-up to girls on the internet.

I hope you're kidding about that last line anyways. Seriously, just lumps of flesh? Doesn't that describe human beings too? Are you sexually attracted to objects or something?

aaah its ok, really. you know, under the skin im only a little bit different from you guys.. Naraku has a point (thank you for trying to protect me), a lot of girls might be a little intimidated by talk like that.. but im not.. cos i know whatever info i disclose (or not) is up to me i can take a joke, really :) and its my own fault for posting in a thread called "boobies" LOL.

Maybe. It wasn't that first line of his that annoyed me, rather the second one. I don't see the intimidation factor though. If I went to a mostly female website and they wanted me to post pictures of myself shirtless, I'd consider it charming.