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Don't confuse Apple/OSX/Safari situation with MS's situation. Let alone Linux.

Apple sells bothe the hardware and the software. As a whole.

MS is selling an operating system. Hardware manufacturers such as dell, or HP buy this software and sells it to the consumer.

But in the whole package of Windows, there's a browser: IE.
And unlike, say... the file manager, the browser is not a real part of the OS.

By giving it, for free, on every windows install, which means on every comp in the world, MS has crushed the competition.
Not really the fair way.

Now, the EU will have a IE-free windows 7 version. Hardware vendors will have the choice to include IE or FF or Opera or whatever they want in the package.

It goes back to a more normal situation if you want my opinion.

And now that Dell let you choose between Ubuntu and Windows, it's even better. Let's hope more vendors will do the same.

Competition is always better than monopoly.

They will know Helgan belongs to Helghasts