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NSFW Discussion - Boobies! - View Post

LOL this post is hilarious.
As for me personally, as for most people those things gave us food so for that reason what's not to like about them? Cows have them too, and for that reason our cereal taste better.

But tell me are we attracted to the way that they look or are we attracted to the fact that they are attactched to women, from whom we get pleasure?

What I mean is if they were square or looked like sponges, would people still have a contradictory answers to your opinion?

As for me, the only reason why I would say anythng like you posted would be to mess with people.
But I will say this, one of the women that I most love in the world does not posses "perfection" in that area, infact not even close, but you know what I would choose her over a 100 of the best.