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It remains to be seen, Ail. The problem with all of these data tracking firms (VG Chartz included) is that it's largely a shot in the dark. When you're taking a sample group and extrapolating it, it can vastly differ from another sample group. Nobody seems to have a grip on Wal-Mart, where the consumers can have a significantly different spending pattern than at the shops giving their numbers.

Another problem is that having different regions in consideration does not necessarily make the sample 'random'. If you're only taking information from a certain type of store, you can get a demographic of people who behave in similar manners. This means that you can have, for example, a group of extremely hardcore people spread across the nation with very similar spending habits. If you only take the sample from this group, you won't know for sure what the other groups are doing. They could've bought more Wii's, as it were.

Ultimately, this isn't an exact science and the differences between VG Chartz and NPD are a testament to this. We'll just have to wait for the shipment numbers, which is what VG Chartz mostly adjusts to.

The BuShA owns all!