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NSFW Discussion - Boobies! - View Post

trashleg said:
lolita said:
Oh and in theory, breasts aren't sexual human parts. They're simply there to feed infants.

yeah, but they also serve a function as what's called a secondary sexual feature. meaning, although they arent directly involved in sex, they play a role in female stimulation and in initial male attraction.

im not arguing, im just adding to what you said

They play a role in male stimulation as well.  I'd rather have my wife lick my nipples all day than lick hers.  They're sensitive as hell.  I don't know how we find the time to do both.


outlawauron said:
lolita said:
Well mine aren't big so no "titty fuck" on top of that I don't see how it could feel good for a women. It's only nice for the guy.

@ D_Boy: Some guys like small ones.


I'm not too sure why it would appeal to women very much.

Because it's hilarious!  We do it for the lulz!  And many people get off on getting each other off.  If my wife could somehow get off by rubbing her ass on my ass or something, I'd let her do it all day.