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darthdevidem01 said:
Aj_habfan said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Aj_habfan said:
darthdevidem01 said:

after looking at Xbox 360's sales how can you say Ps3 is doing poor?

It sold over 40,000 less.

Sure it doesn't seem much on it's own, but PS3 is so far behind in install base it can't afford to keep trailing in marketshare like that. I'm not saying they should drop the price if it doesn't make sense profit-wise, but these numbers are nothing to get excited over.

Stop putting words in my mouth, I just said SONY should be in no hurry to drop the price if in a  recession their console which is double the price of xbox 360 is only 40K behind

PS3 can't ever surpass 360's install base in NA ever (thats set in stone now), so think about it logically, SONY's aim must be to ensure profitiability, so delaying a price drop to the holidays instead of the rumored August one is much more sensible

thats all I'm saying

What words did I put in your mouth? I say don't get excited, that's not a word. You also said, "absofrikkinglutely fine!" That sounds like an excited person, as I can't imagine someone saying that statement out loud in a normal tone.

did you ignore the word "fine".

I can't imagine anyone being excited after using such a depressing word like "fine"

If I was getting excited I'd be like "OMG PS3 FTW! DOING AMAZING"

I just don't see how in the circumstances PS3 is doing poor, unless we are saying that Xbox 360 is doing poor too, or even wii as its not high at all.

PSP sales are poor, the rest are fine

Okay. You use exclamation points and say things like "absofrikkinglutely" when you are calm. And "fine" is a depressing word. My mistake.