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Alright recently I was commenting on possible uses for the Vitality Sensor. The ability to sense emotions like fear anxiety etc..etc... it could do things like Love tests (Which Nintendo dabled in in the 80's) through to sensing fear in the next big Resident Evil or Silent Hill title. But with all these abilities to regester emotion could the Vitality senser challenge Microsoft's new Natal.

One of the big selling points Peter Molenxue (Sorry for spelling his name wrong) said was Natal's ability to tell emotions, enabling an emotional response from a character such as Milo. In Microsoft's demo Natal recognized Clair's feeling of nervousness and Milo reacted to that feeling of nervousness. Being one of Mylo's biggest selling points is his ability to emotionally understand human beings.

But could the Vitality sensor actually revolutionalize emotional gaming even better then Natal. The vitality sensor will be able to regester heart rate as well as skin electricity etc...etc... Meaning the Vitality Sensor should be able to regester emotions even better then Natal can because Natal can only read facial expressions and tones of voice.

That being said could we see a Nintendo version of Mylo?

If Nintendo used the Wiimote with WiiMotion+ in concordance with WiiSpeak and the Vitality sensor. You could make an interactive AI character like Mylo able to read your emotions and interact with you in a much similiar virtual reality experiance. Of course Natal would still have the advantage of the camera but Nintendo could create a very similiar experiance using the vitality sensor.



Also UbiSoft did show off a new interactive camera much like Natal at its E3 conferance. They said their new Fitness game was going to be the first to utalize the new camera this fall but that other titles were already in the works at UbiSoft and Nintendo. If this Camera was also utalized alongside the WiiSpeak and Vitality sensor Nintendo could create an even more emersive world then Microsoft. So could the Vitality Sensor or Nintendo's new Camera actually give Microsoft and Natal a run for its money?


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer