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Davygee, if you are saying that PS3 (and 360) are both doing quite well and having 'normal' console sales, which they are pretty normal if comparing to older generations (30million in 5 years is good) and you agree that the Wii is doing phenomonally well at the moment, how can you predict a mere 160million total home consoles for the end of this gen.....i think 180M is the minimum this time in reality, admitedly the amazing success of the DS and very good second place sales for PSP must be taking some possible home console sales away, but it will not be that much.
Consider that there is no PSP and the DS is doing the same as older N-handhelds, the last gen will finish with roughly 180million sales (inc DC)....A lower than normal increase in the home console numbers would still get 210 million this gen, yet you have 50million less than that.