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Easy to do downloadable patches for games that already use sixaxis for some/all gameplay. A little less easy for games using traditional control.

Reading between the spin what Tretton is attempting to say, while being totally overblown about it, is that he reckons the PS3 motion wand can be used in any type of game you care to imagine. I.e. all the existing games could be controlled using the wand. Whether any third party game company would devote developer time to programming the necessary patches is the question. The answer is: show me the money. Where is the income going to come from for those devs to bring profits for money they spend on doing a b/c patch? Will devs get a cut of the profits from each wand sold as an inducement? I don't think the wand would make enough money to be doling it out to each developer who weaves some b/c magic.

1st party devs may be forced into doing b/c patches, just to show it can be done, and to generate some momentum for adopting the motion wand by both consumer and developers. Would you buy the wand in order to play KZ2 with it? I guess some people might. I'd be more inclined to buy the wand in order to play KZ3 with it.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix