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This is for stof, El Duderino, and RPG_Fanatic.

~"As an excited gamer myself I've always been plagued by what people really saw as acceptable for discs. Sure its not the end of the world, but it is a matter of vanity for some of us gamers, especially those with next-gen consoles. What is this boards take on the matter? Does disc size matter or not? Do you like something big or is it fine as long as something is there? Do they really affect the enjoyment of games anymore? I know this topic is a tad dubious but it could be a fun discussion. And its a gamer posting it so you know its alright to talk about."



Without being too graphic, disc size really only affects the plausibility of not swapping them and I would bet the percentage of gamers that wouldn't like a game for that reason is quite small."


I'm sure that was full of massive fail, but whatever.