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Hells75 said:
first off ask any1 here and they will tell you i dont lag and y the hell you think i took metaknight i was tired of the lag that im not used to i cant even combo with TL with this and the damn needles does get + from lag since i dont have the time to block them with the delay srsly idk y you bitch so much with every1 ITS THE INTERNET!

On a side note i tell you the ture of what was going on its not so much bitching lol ppl keep mixing that up a lot. I just gess ppl do not like to be told the ture lol.

Also your allways a bit laggly to me i do not get why. It was storming here a good bit that may had somthing to do with some of the times the game slowed down.

Smash ID: Jski - 0559-6620-9873

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