Meta gets + from the lag it makes his attks the fastes in the game. Also i have every thing but my pc off the line i am thinking the lag from your end are you dling something and or some one dling on your network. Sheik F titl dose that to ever one but meta can brke it if he dose up air but then that makes him easer to get lol. So you got to chose get out of it and put your self in danger or just DI into sheik to where you can get in with an attk.
For the most part any chater who needs timing and or who have small hit boxes lag destorys them any one who has more then one attk or big hit boxes (and a lot of rng attk power) get + from lag. Sheik nettles are not enofe to realy take advanges of lag but zelda side B is.
On a side note it is funnly how sheik can crash games like that hehe wish it would not though dam sheik would be SS tear.