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Malstrom seems to feel that the 3d Mario series are not true sequels to the 2d games, because of the shift in gameplay mechanics; that they simply borrow the franchise elements, like Mario, but are fundamentally different games.

I think that Nintendo's release of a separate line of 2d games, like NSMB Wii, is basically Nintendo agreeing with Malstrom on this point.

Malstrom thinks it's a problem for Nintendo to have not properly followed up on, say, Super Mario World till now. And maybe he's right--maybe Nintendo should've kept up with 2d Mario games all the way through--but I think he's wrong to take it out on a game like Galaxy.

Galaxy (and Mario 64, Sunshine) may truly be different from the original line, and it may be less accessible to the non-gamer, but that doesn't make it a bad game at all.

Now that we finally have two games coming up, one 2d and one 3d, it should make everybody happy, Malstrom included. Yes?