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TWRoO said:
polezo said:

I have to disagree with you there. 


while the disc golf is somewhat realistic, the physics seem a bit wonkey to me at times.  If you throw a tomahawk/hammer style (as I often do for approach shots in disc golf) the disc doesnt flip like it does in real life.  Furthermore, you cant create an S curve from what i've seen, which kind of puts a damper on tee shots.  Collision detection is also spotty at times, with weird bounces and little to no rolling, which is also kind of a bummer because I like to play the roll.

That said, its still great fun, and your fidelity of control is pretty damn amazing, if not unrealistic at times.


What does throwing hammer style mean? I would assume vertical? (ie if you have the disc flat in front of you, tip it 90^ clockwise)
I obviously don't use frisbees a lot but I would think if you throw it like that it just goes straight to ground.

I guess I am missing the meaning of tomahawk/hammer style, or there is some technique I am unfamiliar with (my frisbee experiences involve getting it to go in a straight line)

Yes, it means throwing it overhand, not neccesarily from 90 degrees though; (more like anywhere from 60 degrees to 120 degrees, depending on when you want it to flip).  This video is dark, but is the best example and explanation of it... the throw itself is not til the very end, about the 1:30 mark:

Its called "thumbing" if you throw it with the flat part of the disc facing the other end.  Here's an example of the S curve too... the best throw is the third one in the video @ 37 seconds in.  It curves right for a long distance then flexes back left...


I'm interested to see if Wii Sports Resort get the physics accurate enough for throws like these.  Playing disc golf at TPC Sawgrass is certainly cool enough to make up for the subpar physics in TW though.  I cant wait to get home and play another 18 of both Disc golf and a tourney on my tour.