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Kwaad said:

I... used to love Blizzard. Then they released Diablo2, WarCraft3, and WoW. Now I have given up on blizzard. (I seriously never liked Diablo2, I was not impressed by the game. I felt there were better Hack-n-Slash games out.) (WarCraft3 sucked. It ruined WarCraft. I also felt it was not following the WarCraft RTS theory. WarCraft was never a 5minute rush game... untill WC3.) (WoW, This is just a horrible MMO, useing a great name... people buy it like candy, and there you have what it is today)


I used to love nintendo.

However when the GameCube came out, they started changing their 'known' games. Mario Sunshine, Pikmin (was a good game, but Pikmin2 sucked)... The games just got weird, and not really all that fun for me. They are following that trend. They still make some games that I like, however the majority are the kind I dont like.

Bungie. I loved bungie. They made some AMAZING games. Then microsoft bought them, and they have released crap since then. (I am calling Halo Crap you xbots)

Sony has been releasing some really amazing games here lately, and it is the name I am falling in love with for this year. However I have yet to be dissapointed in a sony game. (normally because I never played many of them in the past) 


I actually agree with Kwaad. I hate Halo. Wait, take that back, I do not necesarily hate it, I just have no interest in it at all. I do not see how it is different (in good ways) than any other FPS. 

Personally I think the game is overhyped. I think a bunch of stupid xbox fanboys (yes, they do exist in rare parts of the country, something about that nuclear thing in Yucke mountain in nevada is what caused people to mutate this way) who know all the xbox games suck but wont admit, all of a sudden come across a game that is decent, and compared to other genaric xbox games, is GOD. So they make this huge fuss over it. Then, when there friends who like Nintendo and/or Sony play it with them, although they see nothing in the game at all, feel awkward to say that, so they pretend to like it to the point of actually thinking that they are really liking it and enjoying themselves. Thats how it spreads. I am proud to say I hate Halo and am not afraid to admit it. Thank you Kwaad!

That was just sort of a joke theory BTW, please all you Halo and xbox lovers out there dont slay me. You should hear Rolstoppables conspiracy theory sometime.


I personally used to love Rare back in the N64 days. They made some of my all time favorite games such as Perfect Dark, Goldeneye, and DonkeyKong64. Now now only are they not Nintendo exclusive, but they release a suck low budget multiplatform game like once a year and it sells about 4 copys. Screw you Rare, make a Donkey Kong Wii and I'll forgive you.

A delayed game is good someday, a bad game is bad forever.