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9.0 Presentation
Sleek, stylized menus with great pointer controls. New courses and golfers. Enhanced online mode. Customization options are endless.
7.5 Graphics
A little better than last year's game. The 3D engine is good, but not outstanding. Tiger animates fluidly. Courses look like their real-life counterparts. Textures could be crisper.
7.5 Sound
Good music in menus and the in-game sound effects and commentary are appropriate, but not standout.
9.0 Gameplay
A great golf game made even better with MotionPlus controls. You won't want to stop playing. And if you ever grow tired of golf, there's Disc Golf, also an addiction.
10 Lasting Appeal
The PGA Tour Mode alone will keep you busy for weeks, if not months. There's also new courses, mini-games, disc golf, and a robust online offering. Replay value is limitless.
(out of 10 / not an average)


Golf is a no-brainer for MotionPlus, really. I can't wait to try frisbee golf myself, but the only thing missing is non-mediocre graphics.

9.0 Presentation
Sleek, stylized menus with great pointer controls. New courses and golfers. Enhanced online mode. Customization options are endless.
7.5 Graphics
A little better than last year's game. The 3D engine is good, but not outstanding. Tiger animates fluidly. Courses look like their real-life counterparts. Textures could be crisper.
7.5 Sound
Good music in menus and the in-game sound effects and commentary are appropriate, but not standout.
9.0 Gameplay
A great golf game made even better with MotionPlus controls. You won't want to stop playing. And if you ever grow tired of golf, there's Disc Golf, also an addiction.
10 Lasting Appeal
The PGA Tour Mode alone will keep you busy for weeks, if not months. There's also new courses, mini-games, disc golf, and a robust online offering. Replay value is limitless.
(out of 10 / not an average)

# of games above 75 on Metacritic (including downloadable):

360: 241     DS: 144

PS3: 152     PSP: 126

Wii: 85