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Feylic said:
Pristine20 said:
Feylic said:
Pristine20 said:
Xxain said:
Pristine20 said:
Xxain said:
pristine how is ur playing habits???...i ask because i notice you play KZ2 like 24/7 or pretty close to that, that would definitely contribute to overheat features

I play a lot. Always did. played ps2 a lot, ps1 a lot....nothing broke. I just tuned on my ps3 to play devil summoner 2 and it went off after 5 mins and never came back on.

Sega genesis had overheating issues but c'mon this is 2009...we still have this problem? The console isn't hot...the problem is that it thinks that it's hot when it's not. Overengineering perhaps?

i highly suggest giving breaks inbetween( full shut down), higher techs mean higher risk which is contrary to popular belief..and cant compare a PS1&2 to 3

computers are higher tech too yet they somehow stay on for days. It isn't in a cramped space or hot either. It's on a table by itself with a fan next to it. Like the tech said, the problem is that the system thinks it's hot when it really isn't so to avoid burning your house, it shuts itself down...sounds like an engineering issue to me.

You've got to remember that your computer, although on for days at a time, spends most of it's time idling, so it doens't generate that much heat. Try playing a console for 4 hours, then try playing crysis for 4 hours. I guarantee there will be hot air coming out of your computer as well as the console. Unfortunately you just got unlucky here. With 20+million ps3's out there, some of them are going to break :/

but 2? the same owner? the same exact way? It's perhaps partly my fault but isn't that what consoles are buit be played? If you ask me, they should be built to withstand what they were designed for. They've done this in the past, why should it be different now? I personally think console engineering switched focus solely to power and technology and abandoned longevity in the process. Like people have stated, lots of things were jammed into the ps3. Ps2 slim on the other hand is as simple as it gets. It generates almost 0 heat

It's called being unlucky :/ Maybe they sent you back the same console the first time, but the problem wasn't really fixed, and the problem was just delayed until now. And the Ps2 slim generates a lot more than 0 heat. It just dissipates it very well.

I was sent a different I got unlucky with the exact same problem with different ps3s twice? I see...

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"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler