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NSFW Discussion - Boobies! - View Post

Snesboy said:
lolita said:
Big breasts = sag + backpains. My personal preference is A-B range. C doesn't bother me but I don't think gravity would spare them... Anything above, imo, is rediculous and looks weird.

Also, unnatural ones not only initially cost a lot but they will cost for the rest of their lives as there can be complications and re-making them. CA-CHING! $$$ Plus, it says so much about a women. She must have very little confidence and a deformed view on beauty (she believes she isn't pretty because she doesn't have big ones).

Media and Porn industry keeps showing women with big ones, calling it sexy. Then it makes men and women think it's the one thing that's attractive, small ones aren't pretty, and thus putting an unrealistic standard into society. (This could also be said about many other things as for example weight and ageing).

Some friends of mine are always complaining about their small breasts  (They are in the A-B range) and I am always telling them that big boobs are just unpleasant and cause back problems.


I am heavily into legs myself.


Breast sizes are the same everywhere as far as I know.


Most of my female friends seem to have small breasts as well, and lots of them complain about them. Maybe gamers naturally hang out with women with smaller breasts?! I never quite know how to answer when a friend complains about her breasts - if you sympathise it's like admitting you think they are too small. All too easy to dig yourself into a hole!

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