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I'm currently renting the game from Gamefly and I don't think I'm going to be able to finish it. The main character is, for the lack of a better word, a gaping pussy. I mean nauseatingly flapping in the wind, could land a 747 in there, gaping pussy. I HATE him. I've never hated a character so much. His whining, "I can't do anything right. I'll just destroy the world," mantra haunts my dreams and I'm 90% sure is the reason why I woke up fetal position in the corner of my bedroom last night.

Seriously. I like the premise of the game, but the main character tears at my soul. The voice acting is abysmal and the game has a little too much J in the RPG. Seriously, I like a good JRPG, but the main character's a joke, the kindergartner has the worse voice-over I think I've ever heard, oh and there's a pederass space elf, kay?