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You're right in pointing out that there are several gamecube games with decent graphics engines, but that only applies to a few companies in the current market. Remember Nintendo's current situation, if you had said they'd be in this current position a year ago, most gamers would laugh your face off. Now developers are in a slightly tougher spot, they can : 1) Ignore the Wii 2) Build/port a decent game to take advantage of it's current momentum 3) Take a risk and develop a top-notch game for Wii A lot of people are unsure how the Wii will do this generation, most people and developers simply presumed PS3 would be on top with maybe the 360 gaining mindshare due to it's online setup. Suddenly the Wii pops into the scene with some massive sales, and a control scheme that says "Take a chance!", a lot of developers are going to be very cautious, and you can't really blame them. I hope Square re-uses the FF:CC engine with some enhancements, as well as gameplay fixes, then focuses on the game itself. FF:CC had great potential, but some significant flaws killed it for most people.

Nobody is crazy enough to accuse me of being sane.