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Many people are wondering which Wii MotionPlus tennis game they should buy. I thought we should have a thread to put together the differences between the two, so that people can make an informed decision.

This OP will start pretty short, but hopefully grow with time. Corrections and additions are welcome from people who have actually played the games.

Known differences:

- Grand Slam Tennis has cartoonish graphics, Virtua Tennis 09 has more realistic graphics.

- In Grand Slam Tennis, Wii remote calibration happens automatically whenever you hold the remote still. In VT 09, calibration happens after each point by asking you to point at your player. source 1 source 2

- In Grand Slam Tennis, you can use buttons (A and B) to modify your shots, i.e. to do lobs and drops. However, the buttons are optional when using WM+, it's just an added possibility to make them easier. VT 09 doesn't seem to have button modifiers. source 1 source 2

- Different player lineups. source

- VT 09 has a minigames collection. video

- Grand Slam Tennis is officially bundled with WM+ in Europe (so it's slightly cheaper compared to VT 09 with WM+).

Open questions:

- How do the online modes compare?
- Which Wii MotionPlus implementation is better? Does VT 09's explicit calibration give any advantages?

Any information or hands-on impressions welcome!


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