mattbfg said: @hideok thanks for the kool reply :) i nearly grabbed red faction as big fan of the orginal until the sequel lol though so the dreaded online trophys and held back as im trying k2 online (dreaded 1%) and socom so really dont want another slog thru online just yet :
its a tough call in the trophy race but dont under estimate ail he has been quiet :P and dirtybynature is a sneaky one to so you got 5 trophy plat runners if you already include the holy three |
the 1% in killzone is not that hard just make sure to play a little everyday i got it when playing 5 out 7 days in the week and was still way above where i needed to be plus they recently upgraded the sentry bots which is the hardest ribbons to attain so you got it no prob
Actually the 1% is much harder to get now that it used to be but still not impossible.
Based on what i saw a couple weeks ago you need around 5k points in a week to get in the top 1% these days.
PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !
PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !