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It would look exactly like the RPG I've been writing for the last 15 or so years.

It started out as me wanting to be a writer, completely planned out the first three books and finished writing about half of the first before I decided I'm not a great writer.

I'm kind of like Tolkein: I can tell a good story but I'm a bad writer.

After that, it kind of sat in the background of my head for a few years before I converted it to a Dungeons and Dragons campaign where it has gone from 3 parts to about 9. I've had people play the first 3 campaigns (first 3 books), I have the next two pretty much written, and then have the next four planned out and each of those campaigns takes 1-2 years to finish (except the second one, it's shorter and was finished in about 6 months with one group and about 8 for the other).

Now that I have all that written, I'm slowly turning the first campaign into a game. I have a pretty cool combat system that's almost like gambling worked out that should be interesting. One of these days I'll even prototype it.

Gameplay aside, it's your general epic tale with a large cast of characters, your main story with many interweaved side stories (what I'm told Suikoden II is like I guess), and I would like Irish inspired music.